5 Day New Shamballa Workshop and Wesak Celebration – Egypt

Workshop : Tuesday 1st May to Saturday 5th May 2007

www.egyptsacredspace.com for pictures of venue

Times: 10:00am to 5:30pm all days


This a 5 day workshop incorporating all the latest information, initiations and energies that were gifted to us as the new level came in during the workshop in Austin Texas in 2005 and the workshop in December, in England. We have arranged it to coincide with WESAK.

The time of WESAK has always been the most powerful time spiritually on the planet. The full moons of Aries, Taurus and Gemini are vehicles for a downloading of spiritual energy that emanates from the heart of our galaxy itself.

At the time of the Aries Full Moon, a pulse emanates from the Heart of the Galaxy, comes through the Great Bear Constellation, and is received by the Great White Brotherhood on Sirius. It is held there until the Full Moon of Taurus when it is then passed to Lord Guatama Buddha who then radiates it to all lightworkers on the planet. At the time of the Full Moon in Gemini all lightworkers then pass this energy to all Humanity, and all the other Kingdoms of the Earth.

At WESAK in May 2007, through the Shamballa Initiations of the workshop, we will create a space where the most perfect reception of these amazing energies will be experienced from the Lord Buddha Himself. We anticipate a more complete grounding of these energies and a transformational experience for all who attend.

Most people have a perception of Shamballa as the Christ Energy, or a mystical place where the Masters ‘hang out'. All of this is true but with the increase in energy due to the Photon Band, everything is shifting to a new level.

Shamballa is a perception of what truly IS. We all believe that the world around us is as it is, solid and structured, and indeed that is true. What is also true is that consciousness manifests in FORM. Consciousness dictates the boundaries of any form and how we perceive it. Change the consciousness and the form will also change. The key to performing this seemingly miraculous feat is Shamballa Consciousness.

To be initiated into Shamballa Consciousness has meant in the past many years of questioning reality, of sitting in meditation and observing the mind, of perceiving the programmes that run and tracing their source. As things speed up this is no longer true. We are amazed to find that this shift in consciousness is now available to all through the energy that comes through this workshop. As always, Christine and I are merely the channels and yet we have been astonished at the level of awareness that has encircled us both since Texas , changing our perception of the World and reality, and also how we view ourselves and our fellow Humans.

We are constantly in a place of gratitude at how we can now bring this energy to all who seek.

The Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet is no exception to this shift. In the Angelic Reiki Workshop we do a healing practice with the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul. In September we called him in as usual in a workshop, but this time we saw him in the Council Robes of Sirius. The explanation I received was that all of the Ascended Masters we know and love are now part of the spiritual enclave of Sirius, having gravitated from our Earth sphere. Thus also our links THROUGH the Ascended Masters has also expanded. Available to all now is an initiation through all Ascended Beings right up to the 9th dimension, through the heart of the Galaxy and into the refined realms of 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions.