Monks and Shamans, Sadhus and Priests have developed Meditation techniques and daily practices in order to experience this Nirvana.
We are living in a very particular age now, and you and I find that it is not possible for us all to go and live in the Himalayas and meditate for 20 or 30 years. But yet it is the same place for which we search that has been the Seeker's "goal for Centuries.
The Workshop
In a space, a vibration, a vortex created and held by the Creator Archangels, the Elohim, the Council of Light on Sirius, Helios and the Ascended Masters of our planet, it has now been given to us the possibility to experience the Essence of Shamballa Now. This is experienced some what like an attunement or an initiation.
The workshop builds this energy by creating 13 "Initiations"; one for each dimensional level of our reality, plus the 13 th , the stepping stone into the next level.
These initiations are not done through an incarnated being, a person, and indeed they could not be, they are done by the Creator Archangels of the Elohim, The Council of Light on Sirius, and our Ascended Masters.