5 Day New Shamballa Workshop and Wesak Celebration – Egypt

Workshop : Tuesday 1st May to Saturday 5th May 2007

www.egyptsacredspace.com for pictures of venue

Times: 10:00am to 5:30pm all days


The curency of Egypt is the Egyptian pound.

At the time of writing there are approxiametely 11 Egyptian pounds to 1 British Pound.

  • Stirling, Dollars and Euros are easy to change at the bank.
  • ATMs are plentiful and will take debit cards used in England.
  • Most hotels only take Stirling, Dollars and Euros.

To give you some idea of how much to bring. You will get a very nice meal £3.00 in local restaurant or ou may want to splash out in a hotel for £5.00 to £8.00.