5 Day New Shamballa Workshop and Wesak Celebration – Egypt

Workshop : Tuesday 1st May to Saturday 5th May 2007

www.egyptsacredspace.com for pictures of venue

Times: 10:00am to 5:30pm all days


Vaccinations are down to individual choice and health care philosophy and we do not take any responsibility for your decision. If you wish to look at the official recommendations for Egypt you will get this from your doctor, or the embassy.

We would like to offer the following perspective. Christine has travelled around the world including India, Peru, Borneo, Egypt, Nepal and Tibet and feels that vaccinations are unnecessary. She also believes that the principal of vaccinations are based on a false premise and in fact compromise the effective functioning of the immune system.

You will probably experience some kind of digestive disorder, but this will only be some days of mild diarrhea. There are no vaccinations available to prevent this.

A good resource for an informed choice:-

"Vaccination 100 years of Orthodox Research" shows that Vaccination Represents a Medical Assault on the Immune System.

By Vera Schreiber Ph. D ISBN 0 646 15124.