5 Day New Shamballa Workshop and Wesak Celebration – Egypt

Workshop : Tuesday 1st May to Saturday 5th May 2007

www.egyptsacredspace.com for pictures of venue

Times: 10:00am to 5:30pm all days


Royal Thebes .
Egyptian treasure-house of countless wealth,
Who boasts her hundred gates, through each of which,
With horse and car, two hundred warriors march.

Homer, The Iliad, Book IX

For the last 2 years Christine and I have known that we would be re-locating to a place in the World where our work would move to the next level.

In December of 2004 we did a ceremony where we envisioned what we required from that place. It would be at the foot of mountains next to a river or stream, where there would be an abundant supply of fresh vegetables and fruit, where the life would be simple without the complications and the rules of the West. To live there would be cheap and the weather would be sunny and warm all the time, and it would have a tradition of deep spiritual values.

We have now found that place in Luxor, Egypt.

In August, 2005, we moved here where we are surrounded by the energy, the magic, and the glory of the ancient temples of Egypt . We are 15 minutes from the largest temple site in the world, Karnac, and are surrounded by 12 other temples, all within 1/2 hour journey. The Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens are also 1/2 hour journey away.

We are now anchoring into Luxor the energy of ABRAXAS. In the Secret Doctrine, Abraxas is named as the ‘eternal sun', the central spiritual sun of the Qabbalists, represented on the Tree of Life as Tiphareth. It is the Unmanifest, the primal creation, beyond Light and Dark but holds the balance between the two.

It is that state from which the Lords of Mind issued forth on the 3rd Ray of Active Intelligence.

We will be holding a space between the temples of Luxor and Karnac on the East Bank, and the Palace of Amenhotep III, Temple of Hatshepsut, Temple of Ramses III, Ramesseum, Temple of Merneptah, Temple of Seti I, Tomb of Ay, Tomb of Nefetari, Tomb of Peshedu, and the Tombs of the Nobles on the West Bank.

We are creating energetic links to all of these sites; to contact them as they were in the early period of Egyptian history when they connected with the Galactic Intelligence, and to channel that energy into our workshops where we will re-activate the Merkabah and Healing to the levels they were practiced in Atlantis and beyond.