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Christine Christine is an inspiring international Spiritual teacher. Her gift is to make spiritual concepts and healing very practical and down to earth. Her purpose is to empower people.

Christine holds the Diamond Light of Shamballa and the Angelic Energies of transformation and Love. It is through this that she channels her workshops and brings the energy of Unconditional Love for all to feel. Her work is unique and she has a group of 13 Tibetan Masters who work through her in the workshop.

Christine has been involved in healing and the field of complementary medicine for over 15 years. She is a Shamballa, Angelic and Usui Reiki Master. As a professional Homeopath she founded and ran a successful healing centre in the north of England.

Her own personal Spiritual journey has taken her around the world and especially to Peru, India, Israel Japan and Tibet. She has taught this workshop in The United States of America, New Zealand, Indonesia, Greece, Egypt and Japan as well as at home in the U.K.



KevinKevin left this incarnation on 2 June 2009. He has truly returned to his essence as an aspect of the Archangel Yophiel and from that place intimately and profoundly touches everyone who does these workshops, especially through myself his wife, beloved and twin flame.

Whilst in incarnation, through his intimate connection with The Angelic Kingdom, he brought a new aspect  to the teachings and energy of Shamballa. That was not the first time that he had fulfulled that role. 

He remembered many life times where he had the wisdom of the Angelic Kingdom and anchored into humanity through esoteric teachings. In his last life time he drew on this knowledge to bring ont of the highest vibrations of Angelic energy brought to the earth since Atlantis.

He was the channel for the healing system Angelic Reiki.

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